Sunday, May 29, 2011

[Info] Real 47 Ronin - (5) The Death of Kira

In consideration of Kira's high rank, Oishi kneeled down before him and respectfully addressed him, telling him they were retainers of Asano, come to avenge him as true Samurai should.

He also told Kira that he will allow him die with honor as a true Samurai, by committing Seppuku, as Lord Asano had done almost two years ago. Oishi offered Kira the same dagger Asano used to kill himself. Kira fell on his knees, crying, trembling, begging for his life, offering money to Oishi and the Ronin so that they let him live.

After realizing that Kira do not have the courage nor the honor to commit Seppuku, Oishi killed him by cutting off his head with Asano's dagger.

Kira's head was wrapped in a white cloth and places in a bucket. Despite the fact that a few Ronin were wounded, they marched to Sengaku-ji Temple in Edo where Lord Asano was buried.

On arriving at the temple, the Ronin washed and cleaned Kira's decapitated head in a well and put it before Asano's tomb. They offered prayers at the temple in hommage to their Lord and, knowing what was comming for them, gave all the remaning money of the Asano Clan to the head monk of the temple, asking him to bury them decently and offer prayers for them after their death.

Fully prepared to die for their action, Oishi sent a messenge to the Tokugawa Government Building in Edo, informing the officials of what had been done and telling them that they would be waiting at Sengaku-ji Temple, for the Shogun orders.

Coming up Next >> The Sentence

All info can be seen and read in the following link, but I'll bring more and more about the real story in separate posts.


Camemberu said...

Well, sadly, Carl Rinsch's 47 Ronin will be nothing like the traditional story apart from the names and general concept of avenging Asano's death. But it could be interesting...

Nancy Luke said...


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